The Rocky Rattlers is the juniors club associated with the Idaho Gem Club. Meetings for the Rocky rattlers are held the Third Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 pm at the Maple Grange Hall 11692 W. Presidents Dr.

The Goals of the Rocky Rattlers are as follows:
1. To assist the youth in being ethical and responsible for there actions as young rockhounds.
2. Collect and identify rocks, minerals and fossils they locate.
3. To work the material they find, as lapidary arts in a fun manner with a family environment.
4. These goals are to foster science literacy and art education through structured activities, that are engaging and challenging by which the youth and adults who mentor them, learn while having fun.

The American Federation of Mineralogical Societies, has a merit badge program that is available to the youth. There are 15 merit badges in the program. For more information you can access the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies kids corner (click here to view site) or contact Ed Moser.

Club Information
Gem Show
Current Events
Rocky Rattler's
For more information comments or suggestions email